Saturday, April 4, 2015


Hello and welcome everyone! ;)

So, today's blog is going to be about personal space.
Oxford dictionary defins personal space as physical space immediatly surrounding someone, into which encroachment can feel threatening or uncomfortable. 

Let me start with my personal experiences.

I'm that type of person, who prefers to keep distance between one another. It's nothing personal, but I just feel uncomfortable, or even makes me feel like someone is about to stab me, if he or she is too close to me.
Well, I have no problems being close to my lover, holding hands and etc., but with less close people I just can't stand them being too much close.
My mother and sister are those type of people who are, as I call - touchy, like kittens wants to be always around you, but I'm not.
So, usually it's enough to say "don't go into my personal bubble", but in some cases I have to spreed my arms to show where the boundaries are, by doing so, everyone understands what I meant. This works everytime.

Now, let's talk about some explanations related to this topic.
Well, recently I read a book called "The definition book of Body Language" by Allan and Barbara Pease.

So, there are four types of zone distances:

1. The intimate zone: between 15 to 45 cm. Only those, who are emotionally close to us are permitted to enter. This includes lovers, parents, spouse, children, close friends, relatives and pets.

2. The personal zone: between 46 cm to 1.22m. This is the distance we stand from others at cocktail, office parties, social functions and friendly gatherings.

3. The social zone: between 1.22 to 3.6m. We stand at this distance from strangers, the plumber or carpenter doing repairs around our home, the postman, the local shopkeeper, the new wmployee at work and people whom we don't know very well.

4. The public zone: is over 3.6m. Whenever we address a large group of people, this is the comfortable distance at which we choose to stand.

However, to all of these four typers there's an exception: women stand slightly closer to one another, face each other more and touch more than man do with other men.

There's also a golder rule, if you want people to feel comfortable around you, especially the very first time - keep your distance. The more intimate our relationships are with others, the closer they'll permit us to move within their zones and vice verse.

Also, the distance that two people keep their hips apart when they embrace, reveals clues about the relationship between them.

One of the exceptions to the distance/intimacy rule occurs where the spatial distance is based on the person's social standing.

To sum up, others will invite or reject you, depending on the respect that you have for their personal space. This is why the happy-go-lucky person, who slaps everyone he meets on the back or continually touches people during a conversation, is secretly disliked by everyone.
Many factors can affect the spatial distance a person takes in relation to others, so it's wise to consider every criterion before making a judgement about why a person is keeping a certain distance.


Unspoken territorial rules state that a restourant table is divided equally down the middle and the staff carefully place the salt, pepper, sugar, flowers and other accessories equally on center line. As the meal progresses, subtly move the salt cellar across to the other person's side, then the pepper, flowers and so on. Before long this subtle territorial invasion will cause a reaction in your lunchmate. They either sit back to regain their space or start pushing everything back to the center.

So, this is pretty much it for today's blog. Hope you liked it and it was easy to understand. I wish all the best for y'all and I'll see you next time with another blog. Please don't forget to subscribe for more blogs and share it with your friends, and of course to give g+1 if you enjoyed reading it, so I would be able to know that the body language is the exact topic you want to read about more.

Sorry for my English. It is not my mother-tongue language.
Hope you can understand. xx

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